include "opt/powerman/hashtable/module/hashtable.m"; hashtable := load HashTable HashTable->PATH; HashNode: adt[T]{ key: string; val: T; }; Hash: adt[T]{ new: fn(size:int):ref Hash[T]; get: fn(h:self ref Hash[T], key:string):T; set: fn(h:self ref Hash[T], key:string, val:T); del: fn(h:self ref Hash[T], key:string); all: fn(h:self ref Hash[T]): list of ref HashNode[T]; }; creates and returns a new Hash with size slots. The hashing works best if size is a prime number.
Hash.get Search the table for an element with the given key and return the value found; return nil if none was found.
Hash.set Adds a new key/value pair to the table. If an element with the same key already exists, it will acquire the new value.
Hash.del Removes any element with the given key from the table. Do nothing if there is no such key in the table.
Hash.all Returns a list of all key/value pairs stored in the table.
include "opt/powerman/hashtable/module/hashtable.m"; hashtable: HashTable; Hash: import hashtable; Int: adt { i: int; }; HashOfString: type Hash[string]; hashtable = load HashTable HashTable->PATH; hs := Hash[string].new(7); hi := Hash[ref Int].new(7); hhs := Hash[ref HashOfString].new(7); hs.set("key", "value"); hi.set("key", ref Int(42)); hs1 :=; hs2 :=; hhs.set("first", hs1); hhs.set("second", hs2); hhs.get("first").set("key", "value");
HASHTABLE(2 ) | Rev: Mon Mar 30 07:25:15 GMT 2015 |