include "keyring.m"; keyring := load Keyring Keyring->PATH; genSK: fn(algname, owner: string, length: int): ref SK; genSKfromPK: fn(pk: ref PK, owner: string): ref SK; sktopk: fn(sk: ref SK): ref PK; dhparams: fn(nbits: int): (ref IPint, ref IPint);
GenSKfromPK generates a private key that has the same system parameters as the public key pk. It is used to generate new keys that are of the same complexity as old keys.
Sktopk extracts the public part of private key.
Dhparams creates Diffie-Hellman parameters. The second IPint returned is an nbits long prime number that serves as the modulus. The first IPint is a primitive root in the integer field defined by that modulus.
KEYRING-GENSK(2 ) | Rev: Tue Mar 31 02:42:39 GMT 2015 |